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Is there a cure for Lichen Sclerosis

Is there a cure for Lichen Sclerosis

Lichen sclerosis is a skin disorder that is more common in women but that can also affect men and children. Lichen sclerosis usually occurs on the genitals but in some...

How to pop a pimple correctly

How to pop a pimple correctly

A closer look to this problem As already well known, acne is rather annoying aesthetic problem, especially among the teenagers, since during the period of the adolescence, there is the...

Groin itching review

Groin itching review

We all know how itching can be unpleasant when it appears occasionally, but when it becomes persistent, it can be even frustrating, especially when it occurs in particular parts of...

Facial redness treatment

Facial redness treatment

Facial redness and rosacea The facial redness is mainly caused by the skin disease called rosacea, which causes certain changes in the appearance of the skin. Due to this disease...

Causes, symptoms and treatment for dermatomyositis

Causes, symptoms and treatment for dermatomyositis

Dermatomyositis is a chronic inflammatory condition which commonly features with muscle weakness and a characteristic skin rash, symptoms that typically appear gradually over a period of time, although the onset...

Acne prone sensitive skin

Acne prone sensitive skin

Before choosing any skin product, it is important to know which type of skin you have, since there are five different skin types. Apart from normal, dry and oily skin...

Bumps on skin after sun exposure

Bumps on skin after sun exposure

It is a widely known fact that the human skin is very sensitive. We sometimes forget that the skin is one of our major organs — as well as the largest...

Skin discoloration on neck

Skin discoloration on neck

People of all ages and genders can face the problem of skin discoloration, which can itself appear in many forms and in numerous different places. Sometimes, the skin discoloration will appear in...

Dyshidrotic eczema treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema is a type of eczema which features with tiny itchy blisters on the palms, fingers, and under the feet. These blisters will typically persist for two to...

Red rash on stomach

Red rash on stomach

A red rash on You stomach? Why? What? When? Many people, both men and women, will at one point or another experience a red skin rash on their stomach (abdomen). A...