Bicep muscles
Many sports people who engage theirarms in the exercise tend to suffer from bicep pain occasionally. Thispain is most frequent in the weight lifters and bodybuilders, but tennis andgolf players are also prone to experience the pain in their biceps. In some cases, it happens that the pain spreads down the arm and the person finds it difficultyto bend the arm at elbow.
The bicep muscles are the muscles ofthe upper arm, which are on the frontal side. They are attached to the bones ofthe shoulder by the means of fibrous tissues, which are actually two tendons. Onetendon has the role to join the bicep muscle and the bone of the shoulder, whereasthe other puts the bicep muscle and the elbow together.
Causes of bicep pain
In the majority of cases, therepetitive motion of these muscles and lifting the heavy things are the main causesfor the appearance of pain in the biceps, since they become damaged. This damagerefers to either partial or complete tearing of the muscles, which occursdue to excessive pressure that is made on them. In the case of a minor strain,the person just has to take ample of rest for a day or two, and the pain will disappear, while the muscles will function again without any problem.
When the bicep muscle is overstrained, it is called pulled bicep muscle. This condition is characterized bytearing of the fibers and tissues that create the biceps. Pulled bicep muscleoften occurs due to the strenuous activities when the biceps are used for along period of time.
Pain in the bicep muscle also occursdue to bicep tendonitis, which refers to the tendons’ inflammation. Bicep tendonitisoften appears as a result of bicep muscle overuse. When the tendon that attaches the muscle to the elbow is torn, the pain is quite common, as well as swelling in the elbow area.
Treatment of bicep pain
Pain in the biceps can be reduced significantly by taking rest and not using the arms for a while. It maytake a day or two to recover the damaged muscles. While resting, it is advisableto put the ice packs on the affected muscles for about 15 minutes, since it canprovide the relief for pain and swelling. If the home remedies do not work, a doctorshould be consulted and certain medications should be taken. Only in seriouscases, a surgery is carried out.
- orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/biceps-tendinitis/
- www.uptodate.com/contents/biceps-tendinitis-or-tendinopathy-beyond-the-basics
- Photo courtesy of Shanghai killer whale by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Myalgia_of_the_biceps_brachii.jpg
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