Yaz side effects
About Yaz Birth ControlYaz or Yasmin is a tablet used for birth control. It is made of a combination of estrogen and progesterone and there are 28 pills in the...
Reiki symbols for healing
Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in Japan. Unlike some other eastern spiritual practices, Reiki is a relatively young discipline, developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. Reiki is...
Autoimmune thyroiditis review
Thyroiditis is, by definition, inflammation of the thyroid gland. Autoimmune thyroiditis is only one type of this inflammation. It develops as a consequence of the attack of antibodies produced by...
Dialysis treatment side effects
Peritoneal dialysis (also known as PD) is a home treatment recommended for patients suffering from end stage kidney disease. Although peritoneal dialysis saves patient’s life, it, similarly to hemodialysis, may...
Benign fibroadenoma facts
There are many things that can be felt during breast self-exam and, of course, not all of them are malignant. Several benign tumors are known for appearing in the breast...
Acute gout treatment
Acute gout is rather painful inflammation that most commonly affects only one joint. However, this type of arthritis may also develop in a form of multiple joint inflammation. The goals...
Acute water retention
There can be many different causes of water retention. These causes can be related to our lifestyles, but in some cases, the onset of water retention might occur due to...
Piles treatment at home
Hemorrhoids or piles are medical condition characterized by swelling of the venous tissue around the anus and rectum. Piles can be either internal or external, depending if they are inside...
Surgery for bowel prolapse
Definition and cause:Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectum falls out from its normal position as a result of the weakening of the tissue that surrounds the anus...
Side effects of zispin
Zispin tablets contain mirtazapine, which belongs to a group of antidepressants. Mirtazapine helps neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline and serotonin, to be more effective. These two neurotransmitters affect our psychological state...