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Bone spur in the foot

Bone spur in the foot

Introduction to bone spur in footA bone spur is a deformity that can occur in any part of the body and in any bone, however, it is a fairly common...

Cough medicine during pregnancy

Cough medicine during pregnancy

Many womenare known to dread catching a cold or getting a nasty little cough during the pregnancy because it’s widely acknowledged that the medications used to treatthese conditions can have...

Diabetics lunch options

Diabetics lunch options

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the patient has high sugar levels. Usually, the elevated high sugar levels are caused by the body’s inability to produce sufficient amounts of...

Risks of high blood pressure medication

Risks of high blood pressure medication

Patients diagnosed with the high blood pressure (hypertension) must realize the importance of the therapy. Hypertension is the condition that must be treated, because otherwise it will lead to heart...

History of bipolar disorder

History of bipolar disorder

An Ancient DisorderOnce we start analyzing the origins of bipolar personality disorder, we need to know that this disease is one of the oldest we have records about, even though...

Plantar wart treatment

Plantar wart treatment

Plantar warts are non-cancerous growths on the soles of the feet. They are caused by human papillomavirus that enters the body through tiny cuts or scrapes of the skin. They...

Blood clot symptoms and prevention

Blood clot symptoms and prevention

Do Not Wait For Too Long!By knowing which symptoms to look forone can notice a blood clot early enough.However, if you neglect these symptoms, you might suffer fromnumerous other complications...

The benefits of using proactiv acne solution

The benefits of using proactiv acne solution

Ever troubling problemWhen it comes to acneand getting rid of them once and for all, one has at his/her disposal quite anumber of solutions and remedies with which to accomplish...

Calories in gyro

Calories in gyro

Information on GyroGyro is among the most popular Greek types of food and canbe compared to Middle Eastern shawarma or perhaps the Mexican tacos. All threeof those are actually recipes...