Acne natural treatment
IntroductionAcne cannot be caused by a poor diet, stress or poorhygiene. The facial skin is jam packed with oil glands which are meant tolubricate the skin by means of releasing...
Cheap gastric bypass surgery
Weight loss surgery is a growing industry. The number of operations performed in this field has grown rapidly in recent years. For instance, from 1998 to 2004, the number of...
Rhabdomyolysis symptoms and treatment
Rhabdomyolysis is a serious medical condition characterized by breakdown of muscle fibers of skeletal muscles. This leads to a release of a specific protein found in muscle fibers (myoglobin). If...
Digestive disorders diagnosis
A digestive disorder can be diagnosed on the basis of an accurate medical history and a physical examination. Further extensive diagnostic evaluation can be used to confirm the diagnosis and...
Acute fracture metatarsal
It is not uncommon for people to experience fractures of the foot. As a matter of a fact, these fractures occur quite often and in most cases of foot fractures...
Acute viral hepatitis
Whenever it gets sick, our body tells us what the problem is through symptoms and signs it manifests. Now, in order to help ourselves in these situations, we need to...
Retinopathy of prematurity stages
Retinopathy of prematurity stages or ROP is retinal disease seen in prematurely born or babies with low birth weight. Babies born with less than 1.500g (1.5kg) or before 32 weeks...
Bad breath home treatment
Bad breath is called halitosis in medicine. It is detrimental for person’s personal and social life. Microorganisms effectuate decays of food in the mouth and releases several gasses. Gasses are...
Is there a cure for noonan syndrome
Noonan syndrome iscaused by the genetic mutation. The people who suffer from this condition also have cardiacproblems and their face looks different. About 30 percent of them also hasmental retardation...
Is there a cure for sarcoma
A sarcoma is a malignant tumor that affects the soft tissues in the body. The soft tissues are muscles, cartilage, nerves, fat and veins. There are a lot of different...