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Complications after cardiac catheterization

Complications after cardiac catheterization

What is Cardiac Catheterization and When is it Done? Cardiac catheterization is a procedure that consists of inserting a long catheter in a vein or artery either in an arm...

Impulse control disorder

Impulse control disorder

Impulse control disorder is a set of psychiatric disorders that usually occur between the ages of 7 and 15. These disorders are a part of the obsessive-compulsive disorder spectrum. People...

Thinking errors influence on depression

Thinking errors influence on depression

What Does Thinking Error Mean? When someone suffers for depression, he or she will change the way that person think and that will not happen consciously. The negative thoughts that...

Malassezia infection and treatment

Malassezia infection and treatment

What is Malassezia Malassezia is a genus of fungi or yeasts, normally living on the human skin. There are about the 10 types of this yeast and they cause Pityriasis...

Head spinning causes

Head spinning causes

Why is Your Head Spinning? There are occasions when some of us experience a type of dizziness that manifests through having a sensation like your head is "spinning", or perhaps more accurately, everything in...

Infection of blood after surgery

Infection of blood after surgery

Many people worry about infections of the blood that can happen after surgery and while they are recovering. The medical term for this problem is septicemia or sepsis, and it...

Homeopathic remedy for poison oak

Homeopathic remedy for poison oak

Poison Ivy Skin Rash Rashes are often caused by contact with an irritating substance in our environment, like chemicals in hot tubs or swimming pools, pollutants in the air and...

Prune juice laxative

Prune juice laxative

Prune juice has been used as a natural laxative for ages. Most people still prefer it over the chemical laxatives, because it is an all-natural and safe remedy. Prune juice...

Health benefits of titanium bracelets

Health benefits of titanium bracelets

You need to seriously ask the question, are people wearing titanium bracelets purely for all the health benefits or are they simply wearing them because it’s the new trendy thing...