Sacroiliac joints
The sacroiliac joints are those joints that connectthe lower spine and pelvis. The connection of the sacrum and two iliac bonesforms these joints. The sacrum is a bone that is not the mobile and that is placedbelow the lumbar spine. The pelvis is formed of two iliac bones.
The sacroiliac joints only move slightly in theareas at the hips and the lumbar spine but they are veryimportant for our body because when we are in a standing position, they supportthe weight of our whole body. Because of this, the wearing of the cartilage ofthe SI joints and arthritis are not unusual.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
If a pain occurs in the sacroiliac joints, it can becaused by numerous and various reasons. However, when it occurs, it is usuallystated as sacroiliac joint dysfunction or sacroiliac joint syndrome.Furthermore, sacroiliac joint strain and sacroiliac joint inflammation are alsosome of the terms that are usually used for the incidence of pain in thesejoints.
Causes of sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Each bone in our body has its own protection orcartilage layer that covers the bone. This layer is very important because itenables the smooth movement between the bones. However, if it is damaged, thebones start to rub against each other and it leads to the occurrence of bonedisorders, such as osteoarthritis. Therefore, the damage of cartilage layer isone of the most frequent causes of sacroiliac pain.
The pain in the sacroiliac joints may appear becauseof pregnancy, too, because in pregnancy, the sacroiliac joints have to loosen andstraight to accommodate the delivery. Furthermore, changed gait and added weightmake pressure on the joints and may cause abnormal wear.
The pain in the sacroiliac joints may becaused by some traumatic injury.
There are also many conditions that can lead to theappearing of the uncomfortable sacroiliac pain; for example, if a person hasone leg shorter than the other, or if a person has pain in the knee orhip or ankle.
Certain medical conditions are responsible for theincidence of the pain in the sacroiliac joints, such as gout and rheumatoidarthritis, as well as psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis.
The inflammation of one or both sacroiliac joints ismedically called sacroilitis. This condition is characterized by the pain inthe lower back that may spread out along one or both legs in some severe cases.
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