Lupus is a disease that is very difficult to diagnose, because every case of lupus differs. It is a disorder of the autoimmune system in which the immune system is attacking the tissues and healthy organs. Lupus belongs to chronic inflammatory diseases in which inflammation causes damage on some organs that are vital for proper body functioning.
Over years it has been established that women more often get affected by lupus than men, but sadly, the cause for lupus development is not determined. In medicine, there are four types of lupus, but the one that gives the most tribe when it needs to be diagnosed is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). In most cases, there is a difficulty in determining the actual causes for lupus development, but the researchers say that it develops due to the genetics and environment.
Lupus Disease - Symptoms
It is important to emphasize that the symptoms that have appeared in one case of lupus don’t necessarily have to appear in the same way in the other case of lupus. The time that is needed for lupus development in women is not determined, because it can develop out of a blue, or it can take years for development. The amount of pain that is caused by lupus symptoms is not the same either. The pain can be mild and it doesn’t have to be permanent, but it can also be very severe no easing pain.
The most common symptoms of lupus in women include pain in muscles and unexplained weight loss or weight gain. Lupus butterfly rash that appears on the cheeks and bridge of the nose is another symptom that is seen in people affected by lupus. Other possible symptoms that can indicate the lupus presence in a woman include skin lesions, Raynaud’s syndrome, hair loss, mouth sores, shallow breath, dry eyes, and psychological problems (depression, anxiety and memory loss)
Lupus Disease - Treatment
The treatment for lupus disease doesn’t exist. The only thing that the doctors can do is to treat symptoms in order to protect the body from further inflammation. People who suffer from milder lupus cases may not be needed any treatment at all. They may have to use medications in order to decrease inflammation. But anyway, if you notice any of these symptoms, it is of vital importance to visit a doctor so that he can diagnose your condition and start the proper treatment as soon as possible.
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