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White spots on nails

White spots on nails

A Frequent Nail ProblemPeople are quite prone to experiencingthe appearance of the white spots on their fingernails. This conditionmay be caused by several different factors, some of which involve adirect...

What is leukopenia

What is leukopenia

Leukopenia, or leukocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low number of the white blood cells or leukocytes. Low white blood cell count is a count below 3,500 white blood...

Causes of Asperger syndrome

Causes of Asperger syndrome

Asperger (or Asperger’s) syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, characterized by abnormal social interactions and communication. Patients suffering from this syndrome experience very restricted interests, repetitive behavior and physical clumsiness...

Liver cancer prognosis

Liver cancer prognosis

Liver cancer is a cancerous disease that first affects the cells of the liver. This kind of cancer is the most common cancer form in the world. However, in the...

Pap smear testing

Pap smear testing

Introduction to pap smear testThe pap smear test is the test doctors use most commonly in order to detect signs of cervical cancer. When the test is done, the doctor...

Speed and agility drills

Speed and agility drills

Speed and Agility DrillsThe majority of sports will require a person to have speed as well as agility. Such sports include football, basketball, and netball and so on. The quicker...

Turnip nutrition facts

Turnip nutrition facts

Turnip or Brassica rapa is a root vegetable of the Cruciferae family. It is considered a cousin of vegetables like kale, cabbage, broccoli and collards. Turnips have been cultivated for...

Parsley herb facts

Parsley herb facts

Parsley is a green leafy biennial herb, often used as spice. Parsley is derived from the Greek word "πετροσέλινον" (petroselinon) meaning “rock celery.” This highly nutritious food is commonly used...

Witch hazel uses

Witch hazel uses

Witch hazel is a plant that can be used for many different purposes and it is particularly popular for its beneficial effects on skin and hair. This ornamental shrub or...

What is myoclonus epilepsy

What is myoclonus epilepsy

What exactly is myoclonus and why does it occur?Myoclonus is a term that is used to describe involuntary and quick twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles. Sudden...