Yeastinfections are a fairly common condition, especially among women, who can contract vaginal yeast infections relatively easily. These infections will typically arise during the years of a woman's life in which she is able to bear a child, as they can be caused by the immune system weakening due to a hormone imbalance.
However,men who drink a large amount of beer can contract yeast infections more easily and can also transfer them to their female partners during an intercourse. Beer is usually made using grain that is not used in food processing and is typically mouldy by that point. The male may not even notice the yeast infection, since the penis is of a lower temperature than the rest of the body and the infection cannot properly propagate. However, during sex, the vagina becomes very warm and is much more susceptible to the infection. The penis, especially the urethra, is also vulnerable at this point and the infection can be passed back to the man. Other alcoholic drinks typically contain fungi too, as yeast is used to create alcohol.
What About Chronic Yeast Infections?
Internalyeast infections, also called chronic infections, are much more dangerous than external ones because they can seriously damage the digestive system. When livestock consume mouldy grain, the fungus can live on in their bodies. When humans consume the meat from infected livestock, they can contract the candida fungus, which can then take root within their stomach or intestines after it eliminates the good bacteria that tries to fight it off. Other foods like peanuts and certain fruits can also carry candida fungi.
When a person goes on a long treatment of antibiotics, their immune system becomes weaker due to the antibiotics killing off the good bacteria in their digestive system. When the immune system is weak enough, the yeast infection can spread easily though the body and emit poisonous mycotoxins. These will severely damage the body and affect the functioning of various organs.
Yeastthrives on sugar, so people infected with an internal candida fungus may have a yearning for sugary foods. The candida will basically steal nutrients from the intestines, degrading the body's health and further weakening the immune system. Noticing the infection early is therefore essential to prevent more serious problems from occurring due to a deficient immune system.
Doctorscan run certain tests to diagnose yeast infection severity and they are able to prescribe treatments to counteract the spread of the infection and kill off the fungus. Remember, catching the infection early is key to preventing the fungus from gaining a foothold that might be very difficult to get rid of.
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