Miscarriages are the most common kind of pregnancy loss, and they refer to the spontaneous loss of a baby under 20 weeks of pregnancy. According to studies into the frequency of miscarriages, between 10 and 25 percent of all confirmed pregnancies ultimately end in a miscarriage. It is no surprise that newly pregnant women want to have information about miscarriage symptoms during early pregnancy! So, what are the most frequent symptoms of miscarriage? Let's take a look. A painful sensation that feels like heavy menstrual cramps. This may come in rhythmic patterns, like labor contractions. Back pain, especially in the lower back. Vaginal bleeding is the most obvious symptom of miscarriage. Yet, not all bleeding signified a miscarriage. Bleeding that is bright red in color and is large in volume gives a definite clue that a woman may be experiencing a miscarriage. Light spotting can mean the start of a miscarriage, but it can also have many other causes including an irritated cervix. If your pregnancy symptoms suddenly go away, it can be an indication that you are having a miscarriage. Remember that not all miscarriages start spontaneously it is possible for a baby to pass away but still remain in the uterus, for a short time or much longer. Therefore, a lack of pregnancy signs after a confirmed pregnancy warrants a visit to the doctor. Clots and tissues passing, together with bleeding, is another obvious miscarriage symptom.
My miscarriages occurred between eight and 13 weeks into my pregnancies. In all cases, bleeding and cramps appeared together, and I knew very clearly that I must be experiencing a miscarriage. But, if you have unusual feelings or pain without bleeding, you should still see your doctor. Besides a miscarriage, you may be experiencing other medical problems such as an ectopic pregnancy, which also need medical treatment (often urgently).
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