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The Mirena coil is a t-shaped intrauterine device made of plastic. It also includes a reservoir that emits small doses of hormones, combining the benefits of the traditional coil with those of hormonal contraceptives such as the birth control pill. But before you conclude that the Mirena IUD is the perfect birth control option for you, you may like to read about its possible side effects. What are they?

Before we "scare you off" with this relatively long list of side effects, we have to mention that most are temporary and that not every woman who gets a Mirena IUD will have all, or even any, of these side effects. With that out of the way, here you are:

To start with, the placement of the Mirena coil may be uncomfortable or even painful. You may also experience bleeding during the placement. There is a risk of the Mirena coil coming out by itself, particularly in the immediate period following placement. Watch out for bad cramps, bleeding, and a white device coming out of your vagina. Women who have just had the Mirena IUD placed often experience cramping and pain. This should not last call your doctor if the symptoms do not go away. You may experience changes in your menstrual cycle and your bleeding. It is likely that your menstruation will be less heavy after you have the Mirena, which is really a positive side effect! Nausea and vomiting Acne Weight gain

If you have any of the following side effects, contact your healthcare provider right away:

Genital sores Depression Pain during sexual intercourse or during your period Nausea that is persistent Dizziness and feeling weak

And here are some side effects that can occur, but may not be apparent to the Mirena user:

Ovarian cysts High blood pressure Anemia

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