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Are elective c-sections safer than vaginal births?

Are elective c-sections safer than vaginal births?

Cesarean sections, although considered very safe and almost routine these days, represent major abdominal surgery with a painful recovery period. American obstetrics has very much moved in the direction of...

Blocked fallopian tubes - treatment

Blocked fallopian tubes - treatment

Blocked fallopian tubes are a common fertility problem, because the blockage means sperm can't pass through toward the egg, and fertilize it. Some of the causes of blocked fallopian tubes...

Baby blues - is it normal?

Baby blues - is it normal?

Many women feel moody and can't hold back their tears in the days after giving birth. You've got a newborn you are "in love" with your baby and so happy...

What to expect from postpartum sex

What to expect from postpartum sex

Is sex any different after pushing a baby out? Will your partner notice the difference, and will it feel the same for you? When after giving birth can you do...

What is MicroSort gender selection?

What is MicroSort gender selection?

Many couples who are hoping for a baby also hold hopes to have a little one of a specific gender. There are many "natural" gender selection methods around, in addition...

Tips on how to get pregnant with PCOS

Tips on how to get pregnant with PCOS

Do you suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and would like to have a baby? You probably already know that PCOS can cause infertility, and may be worried about your chances...

Expecting twins: must-have baby items

Expecting twins: must-have baby items

If you have twins on the way, shopping for the new arrivals is a little more complicated than simply buying two of everything. Parenting newborn twins offers a special challenge...

Pregnant despite tubal ligation

Pregnant despite tubal ligation

Tubal ligations offer a very permanent form of birth control, and are quite clearly only meant for women who are certain they do not want further biological children at any...