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Can pacifiers cause nipple confusion?

Can pacifiers cause nipple confusion?

Using a pacifier for babies is a personal choice that benefits some fussy babies with a large oral reflex. As you are considering whether or not to introduce a pacifier...

Habits to promote a healthy pregnancy

Habits to promote a healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy in the first trimester can leave us pretty sick and tired... literally! Then, as the pregnancy continues and the baby gets bigger, you may have cravings for unhealthy foods...

Abortion and hyperemesis gravidarum

Abortion and hyperemesis gravidarum

Morning sickness affects the overwhelming majority of pregnant women only a quarter of expectant moms is not nauseous on a regular basis. Pregnancy nausea is so common that it is...

Mirena weight gain

Mirena weight gain

The Mirena intrauterine system is a small, t-shaped device made of plastic with a hormone-emitting reservoir. Mirena combines the benefits of the traditional coil with those of hormonal contraceptives, like...

Adiana - a permanent birth control method

Adiana - a permanent birth control method

The days in which total abstention was the only sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age are definitely over! Today's woman have the luxury of being...

When do you start brushing a baby's teeth?

When do you start brushing a baby's teeth?

Your baby's first tooth is a big milestone! If you have noticed that your baby is teething, or you already have that first tooth, you may wonder when it becomes...

Trying to get pregnant with IUI

Trying to get pregnant with IUI

Intrauterine Insemination, or IUI, helps many women get pregnant. IUI is effectively the modern version of what used to be called simply "artificial insemination". With IUI, washed sperm is placed...