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Breastfeeding: Tips for night feedings

Breastfeeding: Tips for night feedings

Many breastfeeding mothers experience the nights as being the hardest. While your baby is in the stage to wake up and nurse frequently during the night (and make no mistake...

Tips for getting pregnant on Clomid

Tips for getting pregnant on Clomid

Have you been prescribed Clomid? The chances are that, by the time you start using this popular fertility medication, you and your partner have already been struggling with infertility for...

Get pregnant fast with one fallopian tube

Get pregnant fast with one fallopian tube

There are various reasons why some women have only one fallopian tube, or only one functioning fallopian tube. The situations that lead to having one tube available may be widely...

Mirena IUD

Mirena IUD

A Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) is a form of long-term contraception that, as the name suggests, is inserted in the uterus. Mirena is a plastic, T-shaped device that also has...

Get pregnant fast with twins

Get pregnant fast with twins

Are you hoping to get pregnant with twins... fast? Lots of couples would live to have twins, for whatever reason. The chances of that happening naturally are normally pretty slim...

Prenatal care options

Prenatal care options

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Once you have got over the fact that your pregnancy test truly came up positive, and you are expecting a baby, prenatal care may be on...

Breastfeeding complications

Breastfeeding complications

Breastfeeding has a lot going for it. Your breasts always come with you, and they're always ready to serve a nice meal to your baby. Breast milk meets all your...

How to induce labor

How to induce labor

There are few medically warranted reasons to induce labor and to essentially send your baby an "eviction notice", and labor induction is a serious act that deserves careful consideration. Some...