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When will your episiotomy wound heal?

When will your episiotomy wound heal?

An episiotomy is that infamous surgical cut in your vagina during the latter stages of childbirth. If you have have had an episiotomy and received stitches, your vaginal area will...

Bleeding in between periods

Bleeding in between periods

Bleeding in between menstrual periods can have many different causes. Irregular bleeding can be the result of medications (including birth control methods that use hormones), or can simply be a...

When after birth can I have sex?

When after birth can I have sex?

Congratulations on your new baby! Now that you have given birth, you may be wondering when it is "safe" to have sex again. No matter how you gave birth vaginally...

Baby care: fever after vaccination

Baby care: fever after vaccination

The list of childhood vaccines has both changed and grown over time. Although vaccines are there to help protect your child from nasty diseases, most mothers find it hard to...

How to get pregnant with endometriosis

How to get pregnant with endometriosis

The uterus is lined with a tissue called the endometrium, which allows a fertilized egg to implant. It is this tissue that is normally expelled with each menstruation, unless you...

Best fertility clinics in UK

Best fertility clinics in UK

Are you looking into fertility clinics to help you get pregnant in the UK? Choosing a fertility clinic, for IVF or IUI for instance, is a very personal process that...

Expecting a baby in your 50s

Expecting a baby in your 50s

With more fertility treatments available, like IVF with donor eggs, an increasing number of women is expecting a baby in their late forties and beyond. The chances of getting pregnant...