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Setting up bedtime routines for toddlers

Setting up bedtime routines for toddlers

"Can I have some water?", "Will you read me another book?", "But I am not tired"... If you have a toddler, these bed-time avoidance statements should sound familiar to you...

Menopause symptoms

Menopause symptoms

The menopause doesn't actually technically begin until you have not had a menstrual period for 12 months. But the premenopausal stage, which can drag on for a fair bit, does...

How to make cosleeping with a baby safe

How to make cosleeping with a baby safe

Cosleeping has a bad reputation. Many pediatricians consider it to be unsafe, and warn about the dangers of smothering your baby. Many non-Western cultures still practice bed sharing with their...

Baby carriers: will you like a mei tai?

Baby carriers: will you like a mei tai?

Baby carriers are a great and practical way of getting your baby around town, and can also be really helpful inside the house if you have one of those babies...

Can you prevent postpartum hemorrhage?

Can you prevent postpartum hemorrhage?

Postpartum hemorrhage is heavy and dangerous bleeding following childbirth if you lose more than 500 ml of blood, postpartum hemorrhage will be diagnosed. Thankfully, the chances of hemorrhaging are statistically...

Know more about vaginal skin tags

Know more about vaginal skin tags

What is there to know about the skin tags?Skin tags are actually the non-malignant protuberant formations which tend to appear on the surface of the skin and foreskin. In fact...

When you are expecting twins or multiples

When you are expecting twins or multiples

Are you pregnant, and have just found out that you are expecting twins, or even triplets or more? Congratulations! You might feel a little scared and overwhelmed which is very...

Tips for getting pregnant with a girl

Tips for getting pregnant with a girl

Are you thinking of trying to conceive, but really want a girl? There can be many reasons to hope for a baby of a specific gender, including family balancing, the...