Christians and IVF treatment
Are you a Christian who is considering IVF treatment to have children, or have you already had IVF? If you are facing fertility struggles and are looking into IVF, you...

Can you have sex during lochia?
Ask your obstetrician/gynecologist when you can have sex after giving birth, and you will most likely be told to wait until after your postpartum bleeding (lochia) stops. But, why are...

Until what age can women conceive naturally?
Until what age can women conceive naturally? As long as a woman still ovulates and menstruates that is, until she goes into the menopause she has a chance of getting...

How to get your toddler to stay dry in the night?
Potty learning can be a long process that has as much to do with physiology as learning to walk, or any other physical milestone. Some children reach the milestone of...

What is a retained placenta following childbirth?
A retained placenta after childbirth is just what you expect it to be a placenta that will not deliver after a baby has been born. A placenta can be retained...

Explaining fertility treatments to young children
Are you about to try to conceive a second or subsequent baby through fertility treatments like IVF or IUI? There is no getting away from the fact that fertility treatments...

What is it like to be pregnant in 2011? Survey reveals all
Has pregnancy changed at all since the time of our grandmothers? Isn't pregnancy just a natural process that remains constant through the ages? Perhaps so, but it's funny that the...

HPV and cervical cancer
What is typically called "HPV" or "the Human Papillomavirus" actually refers to a huge umbrella group of viruses, covering more than 150 different strains. Some of them cause warts and...

How much blood is there at labor and delivery?
It's hard to know what to expect from your labor and delivery unless you have seen someone else give birth, and you may well want to know what to expect...

Gonorrhea symptoms
Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases out there, especially among teenagers. Would your body signal there was something wrong if you did have gonorrhea? What are...