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There are a lot of men who wonder whether erectile dysfunction is a sign of heart disease. Men need to know that in a lot of cases erectile dysfunction is a sign of heart disease. Men should also be aware of the fact that the same factors that play a part in heart disease are the same factors that may cause erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction

Every man in the world fears erectile dysfunction. This particular problem is not damaging to the general health but it causes a lot of stress and tension. On the other hand, heart disease may cause serious damage to the health. Those who do not know what erectile dysfunction is should know that it is the inability to maintain a sufficient erection that is needed for a sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction is considered to be a sign of a heart disease. First of all, people need to know that there is a connection between erectile dysfunction and heart disease. It is essential that a person sees the symptoms as early as possible because early treatment means a lot and that way a person can prevent suffering from serious heart diseases.

Clogged arteries are the main cause of these two problems and they are their connection. When arteries are clogged, there is not enough blood flow and that prevents both penis and the heart from functioning properly. Men who are at more risk

Men need to realize that there are certain factors that contribute to the risk of erectile dysfunction and heart disease. The first factor that men need to pay attention to is diabetes. According to the doctors, men who suffer from diabetes have a greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction, heart disease and all other health problems caused by limited blood flow.

Age is another factor that contributes to these two problems. If a person is young, than there is a lot more chance that erectile dysfunction is a sign of heart disease. A person who is under the age of 50 and experiences erectile dysfunction is at a lot more risk of heart disease than a person who is older than 70.

A person who is obese is also at a lot more risk of erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Too much cholesterol in the system can lead to these two problems as well. Smoking is also known to be a strong factor that influences both erectile dysfunction and heart disease.

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