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The Fatherhood Institute is a charity foundation established in 1999. Founders of the Institute were ordinary mothers and fathers who realized that classic family service providers simply do not meet the requirements of modern times. One of the main obstacles was the fact that family service providers typically focus all of their attention to moms simply ignoring the fact that fathers also play an active role in raising a child. The Fatherhood Institute is therefore established to support the role of fathers, to build and strengthen the relationships between children and their fathers, and support both mothers and fathers as earners and caregivers.

Goals of the Fatherhood Institute

The Fatherhood Institute is concerned about three main subjects. Their primary goal is to make fathers more accessible as caregivers. This means creating the opportunities for fathers to work flexibly or on a part-time basis. Another important goal is focused changing the apprehension of caring roles of both boys and girls. According to The Fatherhood Institute, children should be educated since their early years to take equal responsibilities as adults. They believe that men and women should have similar range of options over their care-giving responsibilities. Last but not the least, The Fatherhood Institute supports family life by encouraging fathers and public services to devote more time and energy in the direct care of their children.The Fatherhood Institute also works with family professionals by providing them with information, case studies, tips, policy news and latest research into what works for organizations working to support this idea. Their website, open to public, offers a lot of news, information, guides and ideas for active dads.

Trainings and Consultancy

The most interesting service The Fatherhood Institute offers are three one-day courses that are designed to sharpen the skills of individuals or groups. These courses are concerned with three major topics: engaging fathers in schools and family learning, working with young fathers and developing father-inclusive services, in partnership with fathers themselves. The latest course is actually designed for managers and organizations to help them develop confidence and knowledge to work effectively with dads.

The Fatherhood Institute also provides consultancy options for local authorities and different agencies. The Institute actively assists in transforming public services at a strategic level. They offer support to develop father-inclusive strategies, and deliver father-inclusive training strategies and practice audits. Experienced trainers deliver all of the courses, and they include combination of taught sessions, workshop exercises and large group discussions.

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