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Many parents get really scared seeing rash on their child, but this sign is rarely associated with some serious medical problem. In most cases, children do not have to visit their doctor, especially if they do not feel ill at all. However, never neglect rash that has affected your child’s skin and lingers for more than 4 weeks and consult your pediatrician to see what it is and how to treat it.

Hives and Insect Bites

Hives are raised bumps on the skin which may appear on the trunk or the limbs and only in rare cases on the face. Hives are generally itchy and the most common cause of this skin issue is some allergic reaction. Your child could be allergic to some food, grass, clothing he/she wears, medications or even soap or detergent found in the house. In some cases, children also get hives when they have high body temperature or suffer from common cold. Allergies may be very serious, so if you child appears to experience breathing problems, persistent vomiting, tightness in the throat or wheezing take him or her to the emergency room.

Insect bites are also frequent causes of children’s rash. Once you see a visible pinpoint in the middle of the skin eruption – it is most likely some insect has bitten your kid.Eczema, Heat and Contact Rash

Children with very dry skin or those allergic to something may develop eczema rash, especially on the inside of the elbows or behind the knees and sometimes on the outside areas of the knees and elbows. Eczema might also affect kids’ face, body, hands or feet and may be a chronic problem for some children.

Heat rash is provoked by excessive sweating, outside heat and improper clothing, but once the baby or a child is treated with cold compresses or ice packs, the rash usually disappears.

Contact rash can affect one single area of the body or be generalized. Regardless the affected area, the cause is commonly some irritant that got into contact with the skin.

Viral Rashes

There are several viruses which may provoke skin rash in children. These easily identifiable viral rashes occur in patients suffering from chickenpox, Coxsackie virus, roseola and fifth disease (also known as slapped cheek disease). In general, viral infections are found to be contagious about 24 hours before rash and fever appear. Skin rash may persist for some time, but the child is no longer contagious when fever gets down, with the exception of chickenpox.

Other Likely Causes of Rash in Kids

Several other problems may be identified as causes of skin rash in kids including impetigo, ringworm, warts or molluscum warts. Children may also develop some facial rash, rash around the mouth and cheeks, usually due to drooling, the use of pacifiers and food remnants on the face. Some of these problems do not require any treatment because they basically resolve after some time on their own.

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