Infertility Raises Risk of More Aggressive Prostate Cancer
A new study that was conducted at the University of Washington and published in the journal Cancer suggests that male infertility increases the risk that a man develops the aggressive...
Laparoscopy Endometriosis
There are many woman suffering from the disease of endometriosis, but might not even know it. For women entering into the hospital to undergo endometriosis laparoscopy, it can be an...
Heat and Pregnancy: Is It Safe To Take Hot Showers and Saunas When Pregnant?
Did you know that an increase in core body temperature has been associated with an increase for birth defects. This is the reason Obgyns advise women to hot showers and...
Can Birth Control Pills Affect PCOS?
One of the puzzling facts about the treatment of PCOS is that it causes infertility, but it is usually treated with birth control pills. Women who have PCOS who are...
Birth Control Pills Side Effect and Fertility Rates
Birth control pills cause infertility? This is a myth! Long term use of birth control pills does not cause infertility. There is a study available that proves that birth control...
Endometriosis Pain Symptoms
The most common and difficult side effect of endometriosis is chronic pelvic pain, which can be very difficult to deal with. For many women, the pain being endured can interfere...
What Causes Endometriosis?
There are several hypotheses which have been formed about what may be the cause or causes of endometriosis. Unfortunately, there have been no documented or scientifically proven which can fully...
Endometriosis Related Bowel Symptoms
Unfortunately for women, bowel symptoms are an unfortunate but common consequence related to endometriosis. Such symptoms can accompany chronic endometriosis and may affect the quality of life a female has...
Endometriosis Causes Weight Gain
There are no medical studies which highlight the fact that endometriosis causes weight gain in women. However, women that are suffering from the condition oftentimes will experience moderate weight gain...
Can Home Pregnancy Tests be Wrong?
Yes, home pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate and home pregnancy tests can be wrong. The experience if taking a home pregnancy test can be a nerve wracking experience and...