The most common time for a woman to be diagnosed with endometriosis is when experiencing a difficult when trying to conceive. After a laparoscopic surgical procedure and examination, a doctor can determine if endometriosis is the culprit behind an inability to conceive. Once a definitive diagnosis has been made a woman can further discuss the disease with a medical professional and determine the best course of action for treatment. Science is not sure what causes endometriosis in women, but are further researching the disease in order to find out more information.
When trying to conceive and suffering from endometriosis, it does pay for a woman to become educated and informed about the disease in order to play a vital role in her treatment. While some women have no symptoms when suffering from endometriosis, there are others that will feel moderate to severe pain to which there can be little to no relief. While what causes endometriosis is unknown, there are constant advancements being made in the field of gynecology which can improve the quality of life for a female with the condition. Endometriosis does not have to spell the end of fertility and crush the dreams of parenthood for a woman and exploring all the options and methods available for treatment will ensure the female gets the best care possible and is able to maintain fertility.
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