You also need to train your dog from jumping on the baby's crib and changing table. The easiest way to discourage him is to apply double-stick tape to the furniture. Another way to get your dog or cat accustomed is to carry a baby doll around the house, or when talking a walk you could take a doll in a stroller. This is are the small tricks to get your pet accustomed to activities that involve arrival of a new family member. Next step for a dog would be getting him used to baby-related noises and movement. Of course make sure to make these experiences pleasant for your dog or cat. For example, you could play recordings of a baby crying. Or you could start using rocking chair. A great way for your pet to become accustomed to baby smells is to sprinkle baby powder on your skin so your dog or cat becomes familiar with usual baby smells. You could also encourage friends with babies to visit your home so your pet becomes more familiar with babies. Of course, you should make 100% sure these interactions are closely supervised.
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