When is fallopian tube removal necessary?
Salpingectomy is the medical term for the operation that removes one or both fallopian tubes in a woman. Removal of the fallopian tubes prevents eggs, released from the ovaries, from...
What to do if your child has a febrile seizure
Fevers in children are always unpleasant, but a febrile seizure is downright frightening especially if you have no idea what is going on. Did your child have a febrile seizure...
Fever during pregnancy doubles autism risk?
Studies into the cause of autism are always ongoing, and it seems that we are no closer to the real answer yet. Now, a new study says that women who...
How to wean your toddler from pacifiers
Do you think your toddler should leave the pacifier behind? Weaning from the habit of using a paci can be tough. Here's what you can do to help your child...
6 little-known facts about pregnancy stretch marks
Most pregnant women think about stretch marks and wonder how to avoid them. For many, stretch marks become a less beautiful permanent reminder of their pregnancy than their baby! Here...
Car seats: how long should children be rear facing?
Infant and child car seats are there to keep your children safe in traffic, and their use saves many lives. This much is clear but everything else can be a...
Treating gum disease in pregnancy
Progesterone, the dominant pregnancy hormone, is responsible for a lot of changes in a woman's body while she is expecting a baby. Some, like thicker and shinier hair, are great...
Iron supplements fight fatigue in women
Iron supplements can help women who aren't anemic feel more energy, according to Swiss researchers. Women who have low iron levels, but who don't qualify for the diagnosis anemia, can...
Digestion problems during pregnancy
Pregnancy results in a different hormonal cocktail, and the uterus places additional pressure on parts of the digestive system. If you are a pregnant woman with indigestion, know that this...
Does your child need glasses?
Does your preschooler keep bumping into things? Or perhaps your elementary school aged child has trouble with reading? There may be more to it than meets the eye your child...