Labor and birth: Would you swap self-hypnosis for an epidural?
There are a lot of alternative pain relief methods for labor, but would you swap an epidural for some self-hypnosis techniques? The majority of women answered this question with a...
IVF twins more risky than two singleton pregnancies, study says
Couples who have been struggling with infertility for a long time and need IVF to become parents may be rather tempted to have multiple embryos implanted. Expecting twins may seem...
IVF may increase child's asthma risk, says new study
IVF has realized so many people's desires to become parents that it is almost impossible to imagine the world without it. Yet, research keeps revealing new potential pitfalls, and the...
How often should women have a mammogram?
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in the United States, besides skin cancer. It is also among the leading causes of death in younger women...
Miscarriage after IVF
IVF offers hope to millions of people who cannot get pregnant naturally. Those who are about to undergo IVF will want to know how likely they are to get pregnant...
Want to boost sperm count? Watch less TV!
Are you trying to conceive? You're probably trying to figure out when you ovulate, using folic acid, and staying away from alcohol and cigarettes. While you are doing all that...
Pregnancy Awareness Week!
Are you trying to get pregnant or already expecting? Do you know how many women get pregnant every second, and how many have sex? So, 280 couples have sex every...
11 percent of women has used morning after pill
The morning-after pill has risen in popularity in the United States, a new report reveals. In fact, about 11 percent of all sexually active women have used emergency contraception between...
Can amniotic fluid cure necrotizing enterocolitis in preemies?
Babies who are born prematurely face a huge number of potential problems. A devastating gut disease called necrotizing enterocolitis is only one out of many health hurdles preemies can come...
Time-lapse technique can improve IVF success rates
IVF success rates could be improved enormously through the use of time-lapse imaging, scientists from the United Kingdom revealed in Reproductive BioMedicine Online. The study team, from the CARE fertility...