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Trying to get pregnant fast

Trying to get pregnant fast

For couples trying to get pregnant fast, the key is to have sexual intercourse at the right time. Here are the basics every couple needs to know about trying to...

Conceiving a boy: natural ways to have a son

Conceiving a boy: natural ways to have a son

Just like there are many couples who aim to get pregnant with a girl, there are numerous people who are desperate to conceive a son. This follow-up piece will discuss...

New method of IUI

New method of IUI

Intrauterine insemination, also known as IUI, is the oldest and simplest method of assisted conception. A new variation of this method, intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination, or IUTPI, offers an opportunity for...

Australian sacked for being pregnant?

Australian sacked for being pregnant?

One employer in Australia told a clerical assistant that her pregnancy "had caused them a lot of inconvenience and that she should bear the consequences", the Fair Work Ombudsman reported...

Antibiotics while trying to conceive

Antibiotics while trying to conceive

There are many reasons why a woman might need to take antibiotics while she is trying to get pregnant. An attack of bronchitis for instance, gum disease, or a urinary...

How to get pregnant fast?

How to get pregnant fast?

For couples who want to get pregnant fast, timing is everything, especially timing intercourse to ovulation. Even healthy couples sometimes take months or years to conceive because they ignore a...

One of Indian IVF triplets dies

One of Indian IVF triplets dies

Bhateri Devi, India's oldest triplet mom at 66 years of age, has just lost one of her triplets. The smallest of the babies, called Bupesh, passed away last week. The...