Besides trying to soothe your child, you can also simply explain that he or she is too big to use a pacifier. A toddler is old enough to understand that sucking on a paci can cause problems for the development of her teeth, that using a pacifier at preschool isn't appropriate, or whatever else you think will work best for your particular toddler. Finally, there's the option of bribery. You know how children who lose their baby teeth often get a prezzie from the "tooth fairy"? You can have your child symbolically surrender any pacifiers he or she has, in return for something bigger and better. It can be a toy, seeing a movie in the cinema with you, or whatever else you can come up with that will excite your child. Weaning from pacifier use may be a little tricky, but you will definitely succeed!
How to wean your toddler from pacifiers
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