Chronic dacryocystitis facts
Dacryocystitis is a medical term that refers to inflammation of the lacrimal sac. It can be acute and chronic and affect people of all ages. Acute dacryocystitis is more frequent...
Retinopathy torn retina
The retina is a layer of tissue that lines the inner eye. It is light-sensitive, and transmits images received by the lens to the brain through the optic nerve. If...
Optic neuritis: MRI of optic nerve
Optic neuritis is the medical term that refers to inflammation of the optic nerve, one of the twelve cranial nerves in charge of transmission of light signal processed in the...
Retinopathy to blindness
Retinopathy is a medical term used to describe damage of the retina of the eye, which is caused by factors others than inflammation. It can be caused by several different...
Eye disease - Red eyes
Red or bloodshot eyes are commonly caused by some change in blood vessels in the eye or both eyes. The most likely explanation why you have red eye is that...
Retinopathy from vascular damage
Human retina consists of two overlying layers, outer and inner. Outer layer is made of one layer of epithelial cells and located near the richly vascular choroid, while the inner...
Uveitis: Inflammation of the eye
Uveitis is a known condition of the eye. It is an inflammation of the eye and it is the middle layers of the eye that are inflamed when a person...
Eye disease - Retinopathy symptoms
Retinopathy is a medical condition characterized by the damage of retina’s (part of the eye) blood vessels. By examining the eye, an ophthalmologist (a doctor specialized for eye problems) can...
Treatment options for uveitis
A person diagnosed with uveitis is suffering from an inflammation of the uveal tract. The uveal tract consists of the iris, ciliary body and the choroid. All of these parts...
Eye disease - Retinal surgery
The retina is a very delicate organ of the eye. It is in charge of receiving light from the outside of the eye and transformation of light into electrical impulses...