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Mouth problems - Non injury

Mouth problems - Non injury

Many of us have at least once experienced some mouth problems. There are many conditions affecting different portions and parts of the oral cavity. Some remain localized to the gums...

Deafness at birth

Deafness at birth

Loss of hearing may be provoked by many things, including different injuries, diseases and genetic defects, as well as exposure to loud sounds. On the other hand, some people may...

Deafness at birth symptoms

Deafness at birth symptoms

Hearing loss in children is usually present at birth (which is known as congenital deafness) or acquired some time later in life. Congenital deafness is commonly seen in babies whose...

Quick fever blister cure

Quick fever blister cure

There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from fever blisters. Fever blisters are also known as cold sores. Apart from not being pretty to look...

Deafness and bone conduction

Deafness and bone conduction

Hearing LossHearing loss is caused by abnormalities in the auditory system that results in loss of sound sensitivity. Hearing loss can be a result of various different conditions. The cause...

Stuffy ears remedy

Stuffy ears remedy

A vast number of people experience the discomfort of stuffy ears at least once during their lives. This problems caused by the growth of earwax does not happen only to...

Deafness and brain damage

Deafness and brain damage

People may be born with hearing loss or acquire the condition during their lives. In the first case hearing impairment develops before the child is born, while he/she is inside...

Deafness caused by noise

Deafness caused by noise

Noise-induced hearing loss is a medical condition that develops due to exposure to loud noise and sounds originating from our environment. This problem predominantly affects people who are prone to...

Wisdom teeth recovery time

Wisdom teeth recovery time

Tooth extraction is something most people are afraid of, especially if wisdom teeth are involved. Recovery time needed after the wisdom teeth removal is also a concern for many people...

Deafness by noise symptoms

Deafness by noise symptoms

This modern world of ours has certainly turned into a noisy place. Namely, today, we have noise everywhere. From car alarms and cars themselves filling the streets with different sounds...