Esophageal cancer age range
Esophagus is an organ located between the throat and the stomach and the main function of this organ is to transfer the food and liquid from the throat to the...

Acid reflux herbal treatment
Acid reflux is a bothersome condition troubling many people all around the world. Basically, acid reflux manifests through stomach acids reaching the esophagus, giving rise to burning sensations affecting the...

Fever blister care – How to reduce fever blister swelling quickly
Fever blistersThere are a lot of people who suffer from fever blisters. These people know that it is quite a troublesome condition that makes it very uncomfortable for people to...

Information on paraplegia condition
Paraplegia can be defined as permanent damage to motor or sensory nerves to the spine resulting in one's inability to move lower extremities. The legs are practically paralyzed and one...

Can diabetic retinopathy be cured?
Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disorder which initially hides in the background and signals that there may be a damaging condition developing. Retinopathy exclusively affects the retina, which...

Surgery for esophageal cancer: Location of the tumor
Esophagus is an organ located in the chest that connects the throat and the stomach. The main function of this organ is to move the food and liquids from the...

Chronic pancreatitis diet
Since people who suffer from pancreatitis, whether acute orchronic, have problems with the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients properly,this means that their digestion is affected as well because the...

Baby brain development
Baby brain development is the process that occurs within the nine months of pregnancy. During this period, a fetus is vulnerable to developmental disorders related to brain. Many things can...

About causes of mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer that affects the linings of the lungs and abdomen. Mesothelioma is considered one of the most dangerous asbestos-related diseases. This is a rare...

Eye disease medications
For the most part, one will require a prescription in order to obtain medications used to treat eye medications. However, certain types of medications can also be obtained over the...