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Drug abuse and jaundice

Drug abuse and jaundice

There is a substance in our body called bilirubin. When the levels of bilirubin in our blood are too high, we become prone to discoloration affecting our body. This discoloration...

Common causes of breathlessness

Common causes of breathlessness

BreathlessnessThe medical term for breathlessness is dysponea. When a person is not able to breathe properly and has the feeling of shortness of breath, than he or she is...

Inability to move - Tetraplegia (quadriplegia)

Inability to move - Tetraplegia (quadriplegia)

Tetraplegia is a severe form of paralysis affecting all 4 extremities and the torso. Unlike paraplegia when the affected individuals are not capable of moving their legs and lose feeling...

Frozen shoulder physical therapy protocol

Frozen shoulder physical therapy protocol

Frozen shoulder, as its name mightsuggest, is a condition which manifests through stiffness and pain inthe joint of the shoulder. This condition commonly appears as a mildone in the beginning...

Asthma herbal remedy

Asthma herbal remedy

People usually discard natural remedies, considering them inefficient. However, alternative medicine which involves herbal treatments is, actually, more beneficial than pharmacological treatments due to the fact that it triggers no...

Drug abuse and kidney failure

Drug abuse and kidney failure

Drugs of any kind will pass through the kidneys at some stage. This is true for both legal and illegal drugs. Our kidneys serve to rid the body of waste...

Various types of rabies vaccine

Various types of rabies vaccine

Rabies is the name of a viral disease which takes place once people get bitten by a rabid animal. Basically, this disease is acute and deadly, attacking the central nervous...