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Quality of life with esophageal cancer

Quality of life with esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer takes place once malignant cells appear in the esophageal area, being the tube-like part of our body, transferring the food from our mouth into the stomach. This area...

Prevention of seborrheic dermatitis

Prevention of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of many skin conditions and one of several types of dermatitis. This papulosquamous disorder affects the skin areas rich in sebaceous glands such as the scalp...

Epidermolysis bullosa facts

Epidermolysis bullosa facts

Epidermolysis bullosa is a severe connective tissue disease that leads to formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes due to minor trauma. There are several types of this...

All about Myopia

All about Myopia

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness is a refractive defect of the eye. Refractive defects occur as errors in the focusing of light by the eye. As a result...

Dry skin - Pimples around mouth

Dry skin - Pimples around mouth

When we use the word pimple, we refer to a small lesion that appears on the skin. Pimples and other related problems are particularly problematic during the adolescent years of...

Help your body to fight against flu

Help your body to fight against flu

How to Fight the Flu?Flu is an infectious disease caused by a virus and it is manifested by symptoms like coughing, fever, muscle pain, and an overall discomfort. Depending on...

Whiteheads on face

Whiteheads on face

Whiteheads are quite a common appearance on the surface of our face during our teenage years. However, regardless of that fact, these tiny growths tend to decrease our aesthetic appeal...

Therapy for gigantism

Therapy for gigantism

Gigantism (giantism) is a medical condition caused by the presence of excess of growth hormone (GH). Over-production of the hormone is blamed for all the symptoms and signs of gigantism...

Epidermolysis bullosa treatment

Epidermolysis bullosa treatment

Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of disorders that occur mainly in response to mechanical trauma. Epidermolysis bullosa can lead to the formation of blisters, and in the past, Epidermolysis bullosa...