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Dry skin sesame oil

Dry skin sesame oil

Sesame oil is known everywhere around the world for itsnumerous health benefits. It is commonly obtained from the sesame seeds. Thesesame plant is botanically referred to as sesamum indicum and...

Radiation exposure dangers and sources

Radiation exposure dangers and sources

We have all heard stories about harmful radiation and most of us surely fear the nuclear weapons many countries have in store due to the fact that these may lead...

Docosahexaenoic acid for ADHD

Docosahexaenoic acid for ADHD

ADHD is an abbreviation standing forattention deficit hyperactive disorder. This condition most commonlyaffects children and can result in many problems related todiscipline and education in general.Among many possible treatments for...

Medication for enuresis treatment

Medication for enuresis treatment

Enuresis or bedwetting is a condition characterized by involuntary urination. This problem usually affects people while they sleep, but it can also happen during the day. Children commonly learn to...

Eye health - Double vision

Eye health - Double vision

Double vision, medically known as diplopia, is a sign which manifests through seeing two images when there is actually one present. These images may stand next to each other, or...

Eye surgery - Implantable contact lense

Eye surgery - Implantable contact lense

Implantable contact lenses (ICLs) are capable of correcting vision in the same manner as external contact lenses. However, implantation of contact lenses deals with visual issues for good allowing permanently...

How does epilepsy feels like

How does epilepsy feels like

Not all seizures are signs of epilepsy. Rather, there are numerous underlying conditions which can trigger symptoms which resemble epileptic attacks. For example, some children may be prone to jerking...

Seasonal allergic rhinitis - Hay fever

Seasonal allergic rhinitis - Hay fever

About hay feverHay fever is a term for a group of allergies to pollen from various plants, like grass, weed and trees, and to airborne moulds. These plants and moulds...

Fecal incontinence and common problems related with it

Fecal incontinence and common problems related with it

Fecal incontinence is a rather embarrassing medical condition characterized by one's inability to hold stool. Involuntary stool leakage is actually the main characteristic of the condition and basically results from...