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How is radiation exposure managed

How is radiation exposure managed

Due to the resources we use and the technological breakthroughs we are exposed to, an average US citizen receives about 360mrem annually, in addition to the nuclear power radiation which...

Prevention of ROP

Prevention of ROP

ROP is short for retinopathy of prematurity, an eye condition affecting newborns, to be more precise premature babies (hence the name). The condition develops as a consequence of abnormal development...

Therapy for foot pain

Therapy for foot pain

Therapy for foot pain Home careIn a case of injury, after locating the painful area, first useful home care method is the PRICE formula (protect, rest, ice, compression, elevation). Protect...

Enuresis treatment in adults

Enuresis treatment in adults

Nocturnal enuresis is a medical condition which is characterized as the involuntary urination during the sleep. It occurs in 2 percent of adults, and it manifests as a complete lack...

Eye health facts

Eye health facts

Our eyes are usually not painful once we experience vision problems. Therefore, many individuals do not seek medical assistance immediately as they notice certain vision deterioration symptoms. However, checking your...

Dry skin - Peeling nose

Dry skin - Peeling nose

Dry skin is often an unavoidable consequence of harsh weather conditions. However, the problem can also be an indication of the presence of an underlying medical condition. As mentioned, dry...

Dry skin signs

Dry skin signs

Dry skin is one of the most common conditions known todoctors, and in most cases it is not that serious. The main problem with dryskin is that it is not...