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Causes of enuresis in adults

Causes of enuresis in adults

Enuresis or bedwetting is involuntary urination or inability of one to prevent urination which subsequently leads to urine leakage. The condition most commonly affects children over the age of 5...

Eye health and diabetes

Eye health and diabetes

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes are aware of all the implications of that disease. Among the common problems that arise as a direct consequence of diabetes are eye...

Prevention of venous ulcers

Prevention of venous ulcers

Venous ulcers are rather painful sores that typically form on lower extremities and are associated with inappropriate circulation and venous stasis. Such skin lesions are considered the major cause of...

Esophageal cancer early detection with X-ray

Esophageal cancer early detection with X-ray

The data claims that there were more than 16,000 new patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer in the year 2010 in the United States alone. In the same year there were...

Cod liver oil for constipation

Cod liver oil for constipation

What is cod liver oil?Cod liver oil is a certain type of nutritional supplement made from the liver of the cod fish. It is highly beneficial because it contains extraordinary...

Prevention of roundworm

Prevention of roundworm

Roundworm is a parasitic organism that inhabits internal organs, usually gastrointestinal tract or lungs, of both animals and humans. It is much more commonly seen in animals but cases of...

Therapy for dry skin

Therapy for dry skin

Dry skin is something that every person suffers from occasionally. Some people are genetically more prone to dry skin or xerosis, while many others notice every now and then that...

Enuresis in adults symptoms

Enuresis in adults symptoms

Bedwetting or enuresis is commonly seen to happen at night (nocturnal enuresis). Doctors describe this condition as unintentional urination during sleep and this is why they often refer to this...

Eye health and diseases

Eye health and diseases

Even healthy people who do not have any problems regarding their vision and function of their eyes in general are supposed to be fully informed about eye exam and the...