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Kidney issue: Peritoneal dialysis procedure

Kidney issue: Peritoneal dialysis procedure

Without our kidneys we simply would not be able to eliminate excess of fluids, electrolytes and get rid of a range of waste products our body produces on a regular...

Eye disease - Neuritis

Eye disease - Neuritis

Neuritis is a general term that refers to the inflammation of the nerve. Depending on the location of the nerve, the symptoms of this condition may include localized pain, sensations...

Causes and management of blindness

Causes and management of blindness

A person who lacks visual perception is considered to be blind. In all cases of blindness the main factors that caused it to occur are either physiological or neurological. There...

Rotator Cuff Tears - Surgical Repair Options

Rotator Cuff Tears - Surgical Repair Options

The shoulder joint comprises three bones, the upper arm bone, the shoulder blade and the collarbone as well as additional structures such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments all of which...

Prevention of leg ulcers

Prevention of leg ulcers

There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from leg ulcers. However, not every person knows what it is and how can it be treated. People...

About dermatitis complications

About dermatitis complications

Information on DermatitisDermatitis is actually an umbrella term which is used forall different sorts of inflammatory conditions of the skin. There are variousdifferent types of dermatitis but the most common...

Endocrine deficiency symptoms

Endocrine deficiency symptoms

There are not a lot of people in the world who are exactly sure of what Addison’s disease actually is. These people should know that it is an endocrine or...

Epilepsy and migraine connection

Epilepsy and migraine connection

Epilepsy and migraines belong to a group of neurological disorders. They have different clinical characteristics and underlying causes. Trigger factors for epilepsy and migraines may differ but there are also...

Signs and symptoms of River blindness (Onchocerciasis)

Signs and symptoms of River blindness (Onchocerciasis)

What is Onchocerciasis?Onchocerciasis is a serious parasitic disease that develops as a consequence of infestation with a nematode called Onchocerca volvulus. This parasite is classified as the second-leading cause of...

Facial cellulitis treatment

Facial cellulitis treatment

As a major organ in the human body, the skin is susceptible to many infections, disorders and diseases. It can be affected by the environmental or external factors, but also...