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Acute bowel obstruction

Acute bowel obstruction

Bowel obstruction or intestinal obstruction can be either mechanical or functional. It can occur in any part of the bowel, where it impedes normal transit of digested materials. Bowel obstruction...

Calcium for bones

Calcium for bones

Calcium is one of many minerals essential for the human body. This is actually a key nutrient of all bones and teeth. Apart from that, calcium plays several roles when...

Dry skin brushing benefits

Dry skin brushing benefits

Dry skin brushing is a skin care method that has become increasingly popular over the last years. It uses brushes of various sizes, made of natural materials, which are used...

Drug allergy risk factors

Drug allergy risk factors

Allergic reactions to drugs are a relatively rare occurrence. When we speak of true drug allergies, we refer to an adverse reaction of the body’s immune system to a particular...

How to protect your children from the flu?

How to protect your children from the flu?

Prevention and treatment of flu in childrenKids are a lot more prone to suffering from various ailments and it is not different with flu. There are lots of reasons why...

What is inflammatory bowel disease?

What is inflammatory bowel disease?

What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?Inflammatory bowel disease is a sort of an umbrella term used for different types of medical conditions which are characterized by chronic or recurring inflammation of...

Information on pneumonic plague and vaccine

Information on pneumonic plague and vaccine

Plague is a term for certain infectious types of diseases which affect both humans and animals. The main cause of any plague is the bacterium medicinally referred to as Yersinia...

Ultrasound for thyroid: Tests for cancer

Ultrasound for thyroid: Tests for cancer

Overview of UltrasoundUltrasound is a type of image scanning during which an organ is exposed to high frequency sound waves. Unlike X-Rays, ultrasound does not emit radiation so the person...

Prevention of dandruff

Prevention of dandruff

Dandruff is one of the worst enemies of nice looking, healthy hair. It is considered to be both a cosmetic and a medical issue, since its causes may involve infections...

About acute bursitis

About acute bursitis

Our bodies contain one hundred and sixty bursae. Bursae are tiny sacs filled with fluid that help reduce friction between bodily tissue. The most important bursae are located near large...