Calcium build up in shoulder
Information on Calcific TendonitisCalcific tendonitis is the medical term for the conditionmost people refer to as calcium deposits. It is a condition which involves theformation of a small calcium deposit...

Escherichia coli in urine treatment
Urine is under normal circumstances sterile fluid which is eliminated from the body on a regular basis. It contains many waste products and all the substances from the body which...

Dry skin brushing detox
Dry skin brushing is a popular and very beneficial technique. It is easy to do at home and it gives great results. Detoxification is one of the reasons why so...

Eye disease - Seeing spots
When a person is seeing spots, he/she is actually perceiving floaters located inside the eye which give the impression that there are objects like small specks, circles or strands floating...

What are flu-like illnesses?
Flu-like illnesses are a group of illnesses all of which are characterized by similar symptoms and signs, those that resemble symptoms and signs of flu, hence the name. They are...

What is irritable bowel syndrom?
Irritable bowel syndrome is a certain type of bowel disorder which is basically characterized by symptoms such as changes in bowel habits, flatulence, abdominal discomfort and/or abdominal pain. Most mild...

Rett syndrome affects almost exclusively females!
Rett syndrome is medical condition which can be characterized as neurodevelopmental type of disorder which affects the grey matter of the brain. The most peculiar fact concerning this type of...

Prevention of dark circles
It is not uncommon for people to have dark circles under their eyes. However, a person who has them is going through some lifestyle changes that are not all positive...

About acute breathlessness
Breathlessness is a subjective feeling of being out of breath. This is a common feeling, experienced even among the healthy individuals, typically after vigorous physical exercise, running or hard labor...

Calcium build up in arteries
Since we were kids, our parents and many other people have taught us to drink plenty of milk in order to provide our body with calcium, necessary for our bones...