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The truth about breast enlargement pills

The truth about breast enlargement pills

Is Natural Enlargement of the Breasts Possible? Many will claim that the size of your breasts is not possible to change except with the help of aesthetic surgery. Internet is...

Complications after bowel surgery

Complications after bowel surgery

How is Bowel Surgery Performed? Bowel operation may be performed two ways. The first involves making a wide cut along the area and performing open surgery. The second requires several...

Best supplements for lupus

Best supplements for lupus

Lupus Lupus is the medical term for the disease when the body’s immune system produces certain agents that attack organs and tissues. Lupus is a chronic disease that causes inflammation...

Best medication for burns

Best medication for burns

Types of Burns Not every burn is the same. Burns can be thermal, electrical and chemical. Different types of burns need to be treated differently. When it comes to chemical...

Tingling in arms and legs

Tingling in arms and legs

Tingling in Your Legs and Arms Women generally have worse blood circulation than men, but it doesn’t have to mean that woman are more prone to have tingling in...

Side effects of marvelon

Side effects of marvelon

Introduction Marvelon is a type of oral contraceptive pill. It works by over-riding a normal menstrual cycle. The daily dose of hormones taken in the pill work mainly by deceiving...

Anatomy and physiology of the colon

Anatomy and physiology of the colon

The colon is a part of the gastrointestinal tract. Its primary function is to absorb water and salt from solid waste before it is eliminated from the body in a...

Constipation and hard water

Constipation and hard water

Water plays an important role in prevention and treatment of constipation. Constipation can be defined as irregular bowel movements, less than three times a week, with hard and small stool...

Complications after lung biopsy

Complications after lung biopsy

Lung Biopsy Lung biopsy is a medical procedure that is performed in order to provide the specimen of the lung tissue. This lung tissue is further examined pathophysiologically and the...

Side effects of Buscopan

Side effects of Buscopan

The active component of the Buscopan tablets is hyoscine (hyoscine-N-butyl-bromide), known to have antispasmodic properties. It means that the tablets can be used to treat stomach cramps and spasms. Buscopan...