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Prostate infection antibiotics

Prostate infection antibiotics

What Is a Prostate Infection? A prostate infection — medically called prostatitis — is characterized by the inflammation of the prostate gland. The gland itself is located below the bladder and its functions...

Popped blood vessel in eye

Popped blood vessel in eye

It is not unusual for a thin red streak to appear in the white part of the body called the sclera. This is caused by a popped or broken blood...

Top 5 most common genetic diseases

Top 5 most common genetic diseases

Genetic disorders are those caused by abnormalities in the genes or chromosomes. In most cases, these abnormalities are caused by defective genes inherited from the parents. Changes in the chromosomes...

Flonase nasal spray - benefits and effectiveness

Flonase nasal spray - benefits and effectiveness

Information on Flonase Flonase is an anti-inflammatory type of nasal spray which is intended for all those who need to reduce the inflammatory conditions commonly affiliated with certain symptoms such...

The importance of consultation

The importance of consultation

The Importance of Consultation Regardless of the profession that people have, being open to consultation and modification of your services to the likings of your customers is a must. For...

Dull pain in lower right abdomen

Dull pain in lower right abdomen

Everybody knows that there are a couple of vital organs being located in the abdomen. A person will experience abdominal pain if one of these organs is not functioning properly...

Explaining why GMP training is so important

Explaining why GMP training is so important

GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice and is a quality control system that makes sure that every pharmaceutical product is adequately tested and dosed for optimal effectiveness. GMP also controls...

Below normal body temperature

Below normal body temperature

Almost all people know that the normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, not everybody knows the fact that the body temperature changes during the day...

Complications after oral surgery

Complications after oral surgery

Oral surgical procedures such as extraction of the teeth or minor oral interventions carry a small risk of complications. These include mainly hemorrhage, pain and infection. But if one follows...

Eucalyptus oil side effects

Eucalyptus oil side effects

Information on Eucalyptus Eucalyptus is a certain type of plant which grows mostly in the regions of Australia. It is used for the production of eucalyptus oil which is commonly...