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About judo techniques

About judo techniques

Exercising can be so much more than just strengthening muscles and reducing muscle tissue. This means that there are some sport activities that can be very fun, interesting but also...

Facts on colon function

Facts on colon function

Colon, which is the last elements of the digestive system, is very important. It has a diameter of 2.5 inches and length ranging from 5 to 5.5 feet. Intestinal flora...

Symptoms of esophageal ulcer

Symptoms of esophageal ulcer

What are Esophageal Ulcers? An esophageal ulcer is an open, painful, sore or wound located in the lower part of the esophagus — the tube that links your throat...

Physical fitness components examples

Physical fitness components examples

Physical fitness is an umbrella term encompassing five different aspects. Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition are all parts of the whole we call physical...

Jock itch in women

Jock itch in women

Jock itch is a very common fungal infection that can affect both sexes, despite the fact that it's most often talked about as happening in men. The infection often spreads...

Pain around fallopian tubes - possible causes

Pain around fallopian tubes - possible causes

Women who experience pain in their abdominal area and suspect that this is originating from the fallopian tubes should seek medical care to find out the source of their pain...

Side effects of steroids in children

Side effects of steroids in children

Asthma Treatment with Steroids Steroids are often used drug for the treatment of asthma in children. Currently, they are one of the most effective drugs used for treating asthma. ...

Painful tibia bone

Painful tibia bone

What is the tibia? This bone, which is scientifically called the tibia, is located on the frontal part of the lower part of the leg, below the knee. This bone, in...