Physical exercise is a very important feature of a healthy lifestyle. As people grow older they tend to be less active, and most of them even feel it is too late to become physically active. However, this is very far from the truth. Senior citizens can vastly benefit from physical exercise and even alleviate or cure some of the most common health problems by simply being physically active. The only thing elderly people should have in mind is that they require a safer environment for their training. Home exercises are therefore, one of the best choices for this population group.
Benefits of exercise for seniors
Elderly people can benefit from regular exercise and reduce some of the most common aches and pains that usually affect seniors. Physically active people will maintain their muscular mass and be able to walk independently even when they are very old. They will also improve and preserve their balance and posture, reduce the risk of injuries and fall, improve strength, endurance, and bone structure. People who exercise on the regular basis will promote body’s body's natural process of joint lubrication, and preserve joint health and function for longer. This will certainly lessen and prevent joint stiffness and achiness.
Home exercises for seniors
Seniors are advised to make a home workout plan by starting to exercise 2 days per week and gradually increase to 3 days per week, over a period of a month. Only 30 minutes of physical activity each day of the week can make great positive changes to seniors’ health.
Strength exercises are those that build muscles and increase metabolism. This type of exercise helps to control weight and maintain blood sugar at the optimum level. Balance exercises are usually performed by balancing on one leg, or walking a line on the tip of the toes. These exercises are great to prevent falls and build leg muscles. Stretching exercises, such as yoga, improve natural range of motion, endurance and strength. These exercises allow for more freedom of movement and may allow an elderly person to become independent for years. Endurance exercises, such as walking up the stairs, cleaning the house or dancing, can improve cardio vascular health and make a person more vital.
Seniors are advised to be physically active by taking the stairs instead of the elevators, taking a dog for a walk, playing with their grandchildren, doing some gardening or even heavier housework on their own, or simply parking the car farther from the final destination.
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