Physical fitness is a very important feature of the healthy lifestyle. Being physically fit is often a major predisposition for someone to perform to his or her full potential. Physical fitness helps people to look, feel and give their best in various aspects of life. As people grow older, they tend to be less active. Moreover, muscular mass starts to decrease starting from the age 30, and old people usually have many other health conditions, aches and pains that apparently keep them away from training.
However, senior citizens can benefit from regular physical exercise, even more than the rest of the population. For seniors, regular physical exercise also means staying strong and active in order to maintain their independent lifestyle. This article draws attention to some of the best exercises for seniors to build muscle.
Exercises to build muscle
Strength exercises are a type of exercise that improves and preserves muscle tone. Each fitness routine should start with a good 5 to 10 minutes warm up, which improves blood circulation and makes the muscles and bones more flexible and ready for some effort. Warm up is also the best way to prevent any kind of injuries. Seniors are advised to exercise two times a week using a resistance strong enough to feel it in the muscle. They should do 12 to 15 repetitions and rest after each set.
A set should take somewhere between 45 seconds to 1 minute. The best strength training for seniors is performed by using body weight. However, if a person feels strong enough, a light resistance band or 1-5 lb dumbbells can also be used. Seniors are advised to work of all the major muscle groups, to prevent any kind of strength imbalance.
This means that each fitness training has to include exercises for muscles in the arms, chest, back, stomach, hips, and legs.
Safety measures
Elderly people, who are diagnosed with osteoporosis or loss of bone calcium, should always talk to their medical care advisors, before beginning a strength-training program. Healthy individuals should also talk to their doctors if they feel concerned about the side effects of physical activity.
Otherwise, a common sense is enough to follow. This means that seniors should not exercise when they have flu, cough, fever or cold. After an illness, seniors are advised to start with their training again but at the beginner’s level. If seniors are exercising at a gymnasium, they should try to avoid crowded spaces during the cold and flu season. Exercising outdoors is always a much better option.
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