ABrief Introduction
Adetox diet provides a person with an active way of detoxifying thebody. Simply put, the bare fundamentals of such diets are theheightened levels of fiber and water as compared to what a “regulardiet” would have. They mostly involve a richer intake of foods suchas vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and roots. They also involve adegree of abstinence from caffeine, carbonated drinks, chocolate and,yes, alcohol, too, in order to work to meet the ends they're designedto.
Soto speak, a detox recipe is one during which the person engaged in itwill benefit from a higher level of necessary antioxidants andsubstances production.
Thereis a great number of detox recipes available today.
Dr.Kiki Sidhwa Recommends
Acertain Dr. Kiki Sidhwa has got something which may sound a wee bitradical in store for us. Namely, he recommends a monotropic dietafter going through a three day fast. What this means is that aperson should eat only one kind of fruit per each and every meal. Forexample, apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch, a glass ofgrapefruit juice for snacks, and bananas in the evening, and soforth.
GingerHealing Tea
Anothergood, somewhat more fluid diet, would include the use of GingerHealing Tea with turmeric. Here is a list of the ingredients:
2cups of water
½teaspoon of powder ginger
½teaspoon of powder ginger
½teaspoon of turmeric
1tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon extract.
Thepowdered herbs are to be let to simmer in boiling water for about tenminutes. The tea is then to be strained into a mug, when the maplesyrup and lemon extract are to be added. It is then to be stirred for awhile until it is ready to drink.
Breakfast:The Vegetable Super Juice
… isan excellent breakfast choice because it provides the human body withthe energy boost which a lot of us need in the morning. So in afashion, it is also a good substitute for the early morning brew.This pack of energy may last all the way to lunch time. Theingredients are:
4celery sticks
2-4handfuls of spinach
8lettuce leaves.
Theingredients are then to be simply juiced and then distilled water isto be added. Alternatively, lemon juice may be added – depending oneach person's preference.
Lunch:Alkalising Raw Soup
Theingredeints are:
2spring onions
½red/green pepper
2handfuls of spinach
½ clove of garlic
100ml of light vegetable Bouillon
somelemon/lime juice
optionally:Bragg Liquid Aminos.
Theavocado and stock are to be blended and juiced so that they form alight paste. Other ingredients to follow, then followed by a bit moreblending.
Dinner:Warm Broccoli Soup
1/3red onion
ahandful of spinach
6-8broccoli heads
1inch of root ginger
1celery stick
Optionally:cumin and bragg liquid.
Thebroccoli is to be lightlysteamed for about five or six minutes. The rest of the ingredientsare to be blended after the broccoli has finished cooling. Garlic orpepper may be added according to preference.
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