What you should know about Altace
Altace is a medicine that the people who suffer from high blood pressure know too well, since the doctors tend to prescribe it very often when the patient with hypertension...

What you should know about Felodipine
What should be known about felodipine before giving it a chance? The greatest majority of people who have to deal with high blood pressure regularly are probably well acquainted with...

Drug abuse ketoprofen
Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is commonly used for treating pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. It can be used for other painful inflammatory conditions...

Drug abuse ketamine
Ketamine is a short-acting anesthetic with hallucinogenic and analgesic properties. It can be used as a general anesthetic for humans but it is more commonly used in veterinary medicine for...

Side effects of steroids in children
Asthma Treatment with Steroids Steroids are often used drug for the treatment of asthma in children. Currently, they are one of the most effective drugs used for treating asthma. ...

Generic prevacid is lansoprazole
Lansoprazole is generic name of the substance used to treat different problems with excess stomach acid. It is also known under brand names Prevacid, Helicid, Monolitum, Inhibitol or Zoton. All...

Hypnotherapy for insomnia
Can hypnotherapy really help with insomnia? Many people claim that they managed to cure various sleep problems with hypnotherapy, and insomnia is only one of the mentioned problems. This does...

Homeopathic remedy for cat allergy
What are allergies? Allergies are a reaction to certain substances in the environment called allergens. These allergens may be pollen, dust, chemical substances, and animal fur. In the case of cat...

Fragrance oils and essential oils - what's the difference?
The essential oils and aromatherapy are widely known to have positive effects on the health and to have certain therapeutic qualities. Therefore, we can find many household cleaning products with...

Side effects of zanidip
What is Zanidip? Zanidip is a medication used for dealing with hypertension, which is the medical term for dangerously increased blood pressure. High blood pressure can be primary (or essential, as...