What should be known about felodipine before giving it a chance?
The greatest majority of people who have to deal with high blood pressure regularly are probably well acquainted with this medication, which the doctors prescribe particularly in order to treat this problem. However, even though it is a general belief that the doctors know better what is good for us, the fact is that it might be useful to get a bit more information about this medication before beginning to use it. The same goes for every other medication, and the reason is very simple – in case any of side effects appear, the person who experiences them will be able to recognize them as such and react accordingly.

The doctors prescribe this medication when some others are not helpful enough, but the fact is that the majority of side effects that might be experienced due to the use of this medication is not at all serious and a reason for concern. Headaches are practically a possible side effect of the majority of medications, and they are possible with this one as well.
The same goes for weakness and several gastrointestinal problems among which are nausea, upset stomach and heartburn. Aside from these, a bit more frequent than others and yet not so serious are infections of the upper respiratory tract and sneezing, coughing or runny nose.
Very rarely people who use felodipine develop acid reflux, anemia, insomnia, pain in the back and muscle cramps. However, problems that are a reason for concern and that require medical attention include changes in the sex drive, impotence and depression.
Positive effects of felodipine
Even though some of the mentioned side effects are rather serious, the fact is that it does not mean that people should not use this medication in order to avoid these problems. They are possible, but it does not mean that they will inevitably happen to everyone who uses felodipine.
Positive effects of this medication are definitely a reason good enough to give it a chance if a person has already tried out several other medications and they did not prove to be helpful. This medication belongs to the class of calcium channel blockers, which means that the rate at which calcium goes to the heart and blood vessels will be slower due to its effects. This will make the blood vessels relax and lower the blood pressure as a result. Due to all this, the flow of the blood will be significantly improved because the heart will pump the blood much easier.
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