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Can hypnotherapy really help with insomnia?

Many people claim that they managed to cure various sleep problems with hypnotherapy, and insomnia is only one of the mentioned problems. This does not have to be the reason to try this method out, but it surely indicates that it might be worth it, particularly if some other methods do not help.

The person is deeply relaxed during a hypnotherapy session and it is very open to suggestions. It is well known that this state of concentration actually allows the person in question to control those things that cannot be controlled under normal circumstances, and this particularly refers to the blood pressure, heart rate and even experience of pain.

Besides this, the person has the power to block out all the unpleasant feelings, which can be done by directing the thoughts. It is especially useful when it comes to stressful thoughts, because a number of those with sleeping problems are under constant stress, or have some specific concern, problem or worry. On the other side, a number of people who cannot sleep at night think too much. It might sound weird, but they are actually not able to stop thinking about their problem, or even about their problem to fall asleep, and there are some strategies and techniques which can be used in order to reduce this.

How does it all work?

First of all, it is important to clear out that even though many doctors, psychologists, therapists and other specialists use hypnosis, when a person decides to undergo hypnotherapy, a qualified and certified practitioner of hypnotherapy should be chosen. This is the only way to be sure that a skilled, correctly trained and professional practitioner will do the work and try to help you.

The hypnotherapy practitioner usually first offers suggestions for relaxing in a calm voice and very slowly. Sometimes describing some peaceful situations might help, or sometimes the patient concentrates on one particular spot on the wall, and on heaviness of the hands and feet while they are becoming relaxed. Only after the patient is relaxed enough, suggestions regarding insomnia and sleeping problems will follow, as well as suggestions regarding the overall health.

Hypnotherapy practitioners usually include suggestions that the patient will feel refreshed, happier and with more energy upon waking up. Finally, the patient is asked to regain the normal state of mind, and normal actually refers to ordinary.

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