What are allergies?
Allergies are a reaction to certain substances in the environment called allergens. These allergens may be pollen, dust, chemical substances, and animal fur. In the case of cat allergies, the allergen that causes symptoms may be not only in the cat's fur, but also in the cat’s saliva, urine or dander, which are skin cells they (and humans, too) often shed.
Common symptoms of cat allergy may include sneezing, fatigue, a red and itchy skin rash, headaches, nasal congestion, swollen and puffy eyes, and in worse cases, asthma attacks. Obviously, one way to deal with cat allergy is to remove the cat from your surroundings, but there are other things you can try first. In addition, people with cat allergies may never be able to completely avoid contact with cats, as even other people's belongings that have been around cats may set off symptoms.
Tips to Cure your Symptoms or Avoid a Cat Allergy
If you are allergic to cats but live with a cat anyway, do not allow your cat to sleep on your bed, and keep at least one cat free zone where you can take refuge if your symptoms become overwhelming. You should also keep the rooms well ventilated, and if not possible, use air purifiers, or vapor steam cleaners in order to minimize the presence of allergens in your surroundings. You should also wash your pillow and bed sheets at least twice per month, and ideally even much more often, in hot water. Use high quality and powerful vacuum cleaner in order to thoroughly clean and vacuum cat allergens from everywhere. Clean your cat regularly and avoid touching your eyes or face after petting your cat.
Treatments, Medications and Remedies for a Cat Allergy
In case of medications for cat allergy you can use one of many over the counter or prescription conventional anti-allergy medications like antihistamine spray or tablets to reduce sneezing and nasal congestion, along with other symptoms.
Various treatments are also available for cat allergy problems beside medications, like homeopathic or herbal treatments, vitamins, energy based allergy treatments like NAET or immunotherapy.
Herbal remedies for cat allergies can be very effective for some people. Some herbs boost the immune system and also help with cat allergies problems like ginseng, borage, elder, etc.
In cases of homeopathic treatments for cat allergies you can use various remedies like Natrum muriaticum (which is sodium chloride that lowers mucus build up), Allium cepa (which has anti inflammatory properties and can be found in onions) or Euphrasia (a flowering herb which also has an anti inflammatory property).
In case of immunotherapy, doctors sometimes recommend shots or injections in order to boost immune system of the body and diminish the symptoms of cat allergy, but these shots cannot entirely eliminate all the symptoms.
Cat allergy can affect any given part of your body. In case you do not want to part from your pet but have a cat allergy, you should avoid any physical contact with your pet, if this is possible, and try to keep both yours and your pet’s surroundings as clean and healthy as possible.
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