Until what age can women conceive naturally?
Until what age can women conceive naturally? As long as a woman still ovulates and menstruates that is, until she goes into the menopause she has a chance of getting...

What is it like to be pregnant in 2011? Survey reveals all
Has pregnancy changed at all since the time of our grandmothers? Isn't pregnancy just a natural process that remains constant through the ages? Perhaps so, but it's funny that the...

How much blood is there at labor and delivery?
It's hard to know what to expect from your labor and delivery unless you have seen someone else give birth, and you may well want to know what to expect...

Should you get a flu shot in pregnancy?
Do you normally get a flu shot? Are you pregnant and wondering if you should be getting the flu shot because you are pregnant? Deciding whether or not to get...

What do uterine contractions feel like?
Are you pregnant and hoping you will realize that you are in labor? Or are you curious about a type of uterine contractions that happens earlier on during pregnancy, so-called...

Conceiving naturally in your thirties
Are you trying to conceive in your thirties, and wondering what your chances are of getting pregnant naturally and relatively quickly? Are you curious about steps you can undertake to...

Postpartum hemorrhage treatment
Postpartum hemorrhage is a large amount of bleeding immediately after a woman has given birth. Every woman bleeds a little after giving birth, but a postpartum hemorrhage involves aggressive bleeding...

Can you prevent postpartum hemorrhage?
Postpartum hemorrhage is heavy and dangerous bleeding following childbirth if you lose more than 500 ml of blood, postpartum hemorrhage will be diagnosed. Thankfully, the chances of hemorrhaging are statistically...

When you are expecting twins or multiples
Are you pregnant, and have just found out that you are expecting twins, or even triplets or more? Congratulations! You might feel a little scared and overwhelmed which is very...

Tips for getting pregnant with a girl
Are you thinking of trying to conceive, but really want a girl? There can be many reasons to hope for a baby of a specific gender, including family balancing, the...